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Nutrition and Your Health

Writer's picture: NutrexcellenceNutrexcellence

Updated: Oct 10, 2021

Nutrition Decisions Reduce Chronic Disease and Obesity

Disease results when a body becomes too acidic. Making good nutritional decisions about what a person eats along with an exercise routine reduces a person’s chance of becoming obese. A healthy lifestyle will decrease a person’s chance of developing type II diabetes, allergies, behavior disorders or chronic diseases such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol and heart disease; while increasing their immunity system. By making the right choices you can avoid some of the things we think of as the inevitable penalties of getting older. A healthy diet teamed with regular exercise and not smoking can eliminate 80% of heart disease, 99% of type II diabetes and the majority of cancer cases. A diet made of 80% fresh vegetables and juice, whole grains, seeds, nuts and some fruit help put the body into an alkaline environment. Not to mention how full you feel after eating them. These foods greatly help us to feel as if we have eaten something substantial and they do so with fewer calories. Compare the caloric density of a pound of apples versus a pound of "Tootsie Rolls": 263 calories versus 1200!

Good Carbohydrate Foods

As a general rule, the more natural and unrefined the food, the healthier it is.

Fruit & Vegetables

Fruit and vegetables are generally low in calories and packed with nutrients like vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals and fiber. This means they are a healthy addition to any diet, especially if you are trying to lose weight. Studies show that people who eat plenty of fruit and vegetables have a lower risk for heart disease and some cancers. For optimum nutrition, eat at least 7 portions of vegetables and 2 – 3 portions of fruits every day - fresh, canned, frozen or cooked. Never eat them fried. Fresh fruits and vegetables have an additional benefit. They are loaded with antioxidants, phytochemicals and vitamins which neutralize "free radicals". Researchers believe free radicals are unstable compounds created from the metabolism of fats and/or environmental factors (like car exhaust or cigarette smoke). They may be responsible for oxidizing LDL cholesterol which implants itself into arterial walls causing heart disease. They also may be responsible for altering the cell's metabolism resulting in abnormal cellular growth as in cancer. Either way, eating at least seven servings of vegetables and 2-3 servings of fruits a day is a cheap and easy way to avoid these chronic diseases.

Whole Grains

When you choose carbohydrate rich foods, you definitely want to emphasize whole grains over refined ones. Whole grains are much more nutrient dense and fiber rich than refined grains. The fiber found in whole grain breads, cereals, pasta, rice and noodles - the starchy carbohydrates - your body's main source of energy, has insoluble fiber. This type of fiber draws water into your intestines and helps maintain regularity. As food travels through your gut more quickly and is more diluted with water, the exposure of your gut wall to potential carcinogens is decreased. They are higher in fiber and keep you feeling fuller for longer - great if you're trying to reduce weight.

Read the ingredients. If you don’t know what’s in the food item, then don’t eat it!

Avoid hydrogenated/partially-hydrogenated oils, enrichment, MSG/autolyzed yeast, high fructose corn syrup, artificial sweeteners, artificial additives, artificial preservatives and artificial colorants.

Disease is affected by the mind, body, and spirit.

A proative and positive spirit will help an individual heal. Learn to relax and enjoy life. It is predicted that at least 80% of chronic diseases can be prevented through proper nutrition. Nutrexcellence is not designed to tell a person how to live their life, but to give the information needed to empower one to be able to determine what is best for their bio-individuality so that they can lead a healthy fulfilling life.

Did You Know…

  • A study of children ages 6 – 8 found that 70% believed that fast foods were healthier than food from the home.

  • It’s sad when it’s cheaper to buy a pack of snack cakes than an apple.

  • The Chrysler Fund Amateur Athletic Union tested youth fitness and found that among 9.7 million 6 -17 year olds, children are getting weaker overall and slower on endurance runs.

  • Indicators of heart disease and type II diabetes are now being detected during childhood.

  • The “lift” that we get from caffeine, an ingredient in coffee, tea, cola, chocolate and many over-the-counter drugs, is due to the fact that caffeine stimulates the production of adrenaline. Adrenaline raises the blood sugar level. People who over-consume caffeine are constantly stimulating their adrenal glands. It is only a matter of time before they simply cannot respond to the stresses placed upon them. This adrenal exhaustion means the body can’t raise blood sugar when it needs to and hypoglycemia results.

  • Many studies point to synthetic preservatives and artificial coloring agents aggravating depressive, aggressive, manic-depressive, ADD & ADHD symptoms in those affected.

  • Milk causes the body to produce mucus, especially in the gastro-intestinal tract. Cancer feeds on mucus. By cutting off milk cancer cells are being starved.

  • When milk consumption is decreased chronic sinus and ear infections tend to decrease too.

  • It is predicted that children born from 1990 on will have a shorter life span than their parents.

  • A person should be drinking ½ their body weight in ounces of water a day.


Americans get more calcium then residents of almost every other country and still have one of the highest hip fracture rates in the world. Countries with < ½ our calcium intake average have far less cases of osteoporosis. Sugar Consumption is a main cause of bone loss and dental decay. Tooth decay and bone loss occur when the precise ratio of calcium to phosphorus in the blood varies from the normal ratio of 4 parts phosphorus to 10 parts calcium. Sugar causes calcium levels to rise in the blood resulting in it being pulled from the teeth and bones to try and obtain the proper calcium to phosphorus ratio. The decrease in phosphorus hinders the absorption of calcium, making it unusable and therefore toxic. Thus, sugar consumption usually causes tooth decay not because it promotes bacterial growth in the mouth, as most believe, but because it alters the internal body chemistry. It weakens it.


Like caffeine, cigarettes and certain drugs, is an addictive substance. Early studies by Judith and Richard Wurtman at MIT suggested that people who stop eating carbohydrates will experience strong cravings, something similar to cravings for cigarettes, alcohol or drugs. Sugar consumption decreases your immune system by 50% for about 5 hours after consumption provided that you don’t consume more sugar during this time period. Think about it…when is flu season? October thru March – when we have Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years Valentine’s Day, etc. Sugar has no nutritional value at all. It leaches vitamins and minerals from your body to help metabolize it. When human beings consume unhealthy foods their entire digestive tract is coated with a film of mucus. The more “poisonous” (processed) substances they consume, the thicker the mucous film becomes. This is how the human body adjusts itself to the consumption of poor nutrition foods. This film of mucus protects our blood from absorbing dangerous substances. But at the same time it doesn’t allow all the important nutrients to be utilized by the body. Hence people who eat mostly processed food develop nutritional deficiencies.

Processed Foods

The junk-food diet produces a state of marginal malnutrition. American culture still presents whole foods as unglamorous and inferior to pizza, cola and hot dogs. Besides their high sugar and low nutrient content processed foods provide a poor brain environment in yet another way – they contain non-nutritive chemicals which may cause allergies or may be toxic. Every year, each of us eats a total dose of about four pounds of additives. The cumulative effect of all these chemicals is simply not known. But there is one group that is more endangered than any other, because this group consumes huge quantities of mind wrecking junk foods – adolescents. Not only does sugar contain no nutritive value, but it robs your body of its nutrients in order to metabolize it. Processed food over-stimulates the pancreas, which in turn over-secretes insulin. That in turn forces storage of any calories not immediately burned for energy (as fat), not to mention that blood sugar goes too low, causing irritability, shakes, fatigue and more appetite.

Do what people eat really affect the way they behave?

The evidence says yes. Ask any hyperactive, depressed, angry or violent child, teenager or adult what they eat and you’ll find they “live” on junk food-sweetened boxed cereals, candy, carbonated drinks, potato chips, fast foods. Junk food abuses the mind, undernourishes the body and distorts the behavior. There are biochemical connections between diet and noncompliant behavior. The human body is not made to function properly living off of sugar and processed foods.

“The nutritional suggestions in this material are not offered to treat, mitigate or cure disease, and should not be used as a substitute for sound medical advice. This information is designed to be used in conjunction with the services of a trained, licensed healthcare practitioner.”

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