About Us

Gail Schalizki
Public Health and Nutrition Advocate
I am a Public Health and Nutrition Advocate, a wife and mother of three. My husband is gluten free and my youngest is gliadin and whey free. I have worked for an Environmental Lab, taught mathematics and science, and worked for a non-profit organization to help the poor, as well as worked with an Osteopathic doctor.
Many people in my family have died of cancer and many are diabetics who died at young ages. About thirteen years ago I began to realize that a lot of people are reaching their Golden Years, but are not able to enjoy them due to chronic illnesses. During this time a friend told me about a book entitled, "The Grocery Warning" that described what hydrogenated oils, MSG, milk and meat (from non-free range animals), preservatives and additives did to our bodies. As I was reading this book, I would go to my pantry and look at the ingredients of various products I had been feeding my family to discover that they all contained ingredients mentioned in this book. I realized that all these years I thought that I was feeding my family healthy food, I was unknowingly poisoning them. I threw it all out and went to the food store to restock our shelves. My journey through the food store that day was a humbling experience. I was almost in tears because I could not find many items to replace the ones I threw away.
In 2008 I went to my son's Back-to-School Night where the nurse informed us that 33% of the children eat fast food every day. It is predicted that children born from 1990 on will have a shorter life-span than their parents due to nutritional and health habits. It was at this moment I decided that I wanted to educate people about what they were putting into their bodies and the consequences those choices can have on them and their families.
I attended the American Health & Sciences University (AHSU) and received my certification in nutrition. Since then I have my taught individuals and groups about healing their bodies and staying in health.
I believe that wellness occurs when our life is in balance. My desire is to help people achieve wellness in their life by balancing themselves physically, emotionally; as well as spiritually.
As Hippocrates said, “"Let food be thy medicine, and let medicine be thy food."