Ingredient Glossary - T
Tamarind: Comes from the fruit of the tamarind tree. The fruit is a brown pod-like legume, which contains a soft acidic pulp and many hard-coated seeds. The fruit pulp is edible and popular. It is used as a spice in both Asian and Latin American cuisines, and is also an important ingredient in Worcestershire sauce. The hard green pulp of a young fruit is very tart and acidic and is most often used as a component of savory dishes. The ripened fruit is sweeter, yet still distinctively sour, and can be used in desserts and sweetened drinks, or as a snack.
TBHQ: An antioxidant derived from petroleum. TBHQ is a form of butane (i.e. lighter fluid) that the FDA allows processors to use sparingly in our food. TBHQ is a highly effective preservative for unsaturated vegetable oils and many edible animal fats. It does not cause discoloration even in the presence of iron, and does not change flavor or odor of the material it is added to. It can be combined with other preservatives such as butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA). As food additive it is used as a preservative. It is added to a wide range of foods, with highest limit (1000 mg/kg) permitted for frozen fish and fish products. Its primary advantage is enhancing storage life. In perfumery, it is used as a fixative to lower the evaporation rate and improve stability. It is also added to varnishes, lacquers, resins, and oil field additives. In high doses, it has some negative health effects on lab animals, such as precursors to stomach tumors and damage to DNA. A number of studies have shown that prolonged exposure to TBHQ may induce carcinogenity.
thiamine mononitrate: Thiamine or thiamin, also known as vitamin B1
tocopherols, Vitamin E: An antioxidant and nutrient. Vitamin E is abundant in whole wheat, rice germ, and vegetable oils. It is destroyed by the refining and bleaching of flour. Vitamin E prevents oils from going rancid. Recent studies indicate that large amounts of vitamin E may help reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer.
turmeric: Curcumin. It is the main color found in the root of the turmeric plant Curcuma longa, grown in South Asia. Ground turmeric rhizome is one of the main ingredients in curry powder. The bright yellow color has been used as a substitute for the expensive herb saffron. Fades with exposure to light.